Ich breitete die Welt, das Silk Road Online. Ich ahbe es einfach mal in google übersetzer gehauen.
Neues Silkroad Update auch für Silkroad R ?// New update for Silkroad Silkroad R? - Silkroad Online - 7 Replies Hallo, ich habe ma geguckt auf der JOYMAX.COM - Global Hub of Fun :: Silkroad Online seite geguckt und da steht was von Update im Mai 2014. Joymax Buyed PathEngine which mean going to developing something. Knight's Of Silkroad ( Silkroad 2 Whole New Mobile Game ) + SIlkroad 2 Evidence - Silkroad Online - 4 Replies Hey Guys i'd like to share my minds about Silkorad 2 Did Its just a rumor or Really going to Come I think there going to be Silkroad 2 WHY:Ī Whole New Silkroad Game For Mobile and Looks Awesome Joymax Deal With ''WeMade'' about wemade helping them with source's about developing and they take about 25-27% from the money i forgot the Right % anyway they create a new silkroad for mobiles so maybe they going to make for PC to.